Well, a lot has happened since last time....... We did go up to the islands as planned on Christmas eve day and spent a really good week with friends at Caleta Partida - a fine anchorage, capable of holding many boats on Isla Partida.
It turns out that someone was watching over us when we decided not to cross the Sea over to the mainland. The day after arriving at Partida, we fired our diesel to make water, and after about two minutes, it died. It took a while to find the problem as our engine has been absolutely perfect since day one. It turned out to be bad fuel. This could have been a serious problem as it would have happened at sea. Lucky?!?!
After hopping anchorages for two weeks coming
South from San Carlos, we filled our diesel tank
on arriving in La Paz. Included with the 160 liters of fuel, we received almost 5 gallons of water - no extra charge.
This is the result of 4 days of filtering, and we're pretty sure that our fuel is now clean again.

Back to a brighter note, we had a wonderful Christmas this year! Thanks to our daughters, we were able to do the traditional wrapper ripping to reveal some great gifts. And, on the day after, instead of going skiing, we ran our dinghies out to a very private beach and spent the day in the sun. Except for a volleyball that wouldn't hold air, it was a perfect day. Hope the pics give you food for your imagination.......

With four boats anchored together, we each had a chance to host dinner during the week. This was taken one evening aboard Hanali - from the left, yours truly, Claudia, Steve with Raja, Laura, Dario, and Steve's wife Cindy.

Here's another sunset/moonrise. Taken from Mitch and Laura's sv Hanali, looking at Steve and Cindy's sv Solmate, with IRIE in the distance.

Couldn't resist this one........ This is what can happen when you anchor over a sand bar at high tide.
Well, that's about all the news for now. Hope you're all staying warm and having fun. E
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