Sunday, November 27, 2011

Man of War Cove to Cabo San Lucas

Man-Of-War Cove

Live Shrimp on board

We spent 4 days in Man-Of-War cove, which is a small cove located inside of Bahia Magdalena, after an overnight on the ocean from San Juanico.  We were out about 20 miles from land during the trip & witness the passage of the giant cruise ship, shooting stars & lots of wave action from 15 knot winds.  Man-of-War was pretty small but we had a couple of fish taco meals that were great & were able to restock with a few items from their two mercados.  For the people of this town travel is by panga only & they use generators for city lights at night. We were able to catch up with cruisers that we met in Turtle Bay & Emrick worked with another cruiser to fix our engine/water pump issue. 

Dead Shrimp on board

On our way out of Mag Bay we had some fisherman pull up & offer to sell us some fresh shrimp.  We said sure & handed over a large baggie after agreeing on a price.  I was ok with all of that until I dumped the bag of shrimp out in the sink basket & they began to jump around . . . . so I am staring at live shrimp & wondering who I can call to tell me what to do next.  I reminded myself that sailing is about the next new experience (ya, right) so off came the shrimp's heads (which you can see in the pan on the stove).  My killing expertise became fine tuned & I was able to behead the guys with a minimum of trauma  . . . .I hope.  
More Dolphins
Our next bit of fun was traveling with the dophins.  They stayed with us for about 10 minutes which was a record for us.  If you leaned out of the boat you could almost touch them.  They keep up with the pace of the boat while under & over each other for a little added variety in the swim.  We are always sorry to see them go.
Outside Cabo, luxury living
So coming into Cabo we didn't know what to expect.  The last time we sailed down we covered these miles at night & didn't see much.  Cabo begins on the outside of the bay with hotels & some magnificent homes perched on the rocks.  Emrick & I picked out a few we might feel comfortable in.  I wonder what type of guarantee comes from the builder(s) of these homes. ...  I would always be wondering  when the next earthquake would arrive. 

Cabo surrounding us . . .

on all  . . .

We do not have pics of the bay because both of us were probably thinking "holly ____".  We were looking at motor boats, fishing boats, pangas, cruise ships, jet skis, pirate ships, odd looking ships & where the heck is the fuel dock??????  Emrick found the fuel dock, flipped us around, did a "Captain Ron" & slid us right up to the dock.  "We'll take 100 liters of diesel please".  Nice.  What was even nicer was the slip they assigned us.  We have added some pics to the left (or at least I think they will be on the left when I post this) of the scenes around the boat.  In Cabo you are surounded by high class, fairly expensive food, hotels, gambling, jewelry, watches, bars, food, trinkets, food, bars, trinkets, food, bars, trinkets . . . you get the picture.  The stores extend out for about 2 blocks all around the marina & when you step beyond the 2 blocks, poof, you are in Mexico, a lot like LaPaz.  This is motor city folks, with some huge, I mean huge, fishing boats &  sailing vessels.  We took notice of a 175 foot sailboat & went back to take a good look yesterday.  There is no way to put that boat into a camera.  Amazing.  The fenders are as big as a twin bed.  There was a crew of 7 outside "buffing" as we walked by.  Not a bad life.
Anyway, we are leaving for Los Frailes (the Friars) tomorrow am, then on to Ensenada de Los Muertos (Cove of the Dead) the next day & then finally LaPaz.  See you on the blog, C


Sunset after the storm

Ya hooo, running with the dolphins!
Famous rock formation
"La Isla" getting ready to dock

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